Carrot Flowers

Rads 5
Water -
Food 1%
Weight  0.25
Value 6

Carrot Flowers is one of the Plants in Fallout 76 (FO76). Plants are different due to their property being able to be planted on the ground that can grow after a period of time or wild plants in the wasteland can be harvested repeatedly from the same specific plant in the same area.


Recipes Using Carrot Flowers


Carrot Flowers Location


Carrot Flowers Notes


Fallout 76 Plants
Ant meat  ♦  Appalachili  ♦  Aster  ♦  Awesome Opossum Bacon  ♦  Baked Bloatfly  ♦  Blackberry  ♦  Blackberry Honey Crisp  ♦  Blamco Brand Mac and Cheese  ♦  Bloatfly Meat  ♦  Bloodbug Meat  ♦  Bloodbug Steak  ♦  Bloodleaf  ♦  Brahmin Meat  ♦  Brain Fungus Soup  ♦  Canned Dog Food  ♦  Canned Meat Stew  ♦  Carrot  ♦  Cat Meat Steak  ♦  Chew Stick  ♦  Chicken Noodle Soup  ♦  Cola Perk Bubblegum  ♦  Corn  ♦  Corn Soup  ♦  Cotton Candy Bites  ♦  Cram  ♦  Cranberry Jam  ♦  Crispy Squirrel Bits  ♦  Dandy Boy Apples  ♦  Deathclaw Egg  ♦  Deathclaw Meat  ♦  Diseased Cranberry  ♦  Fancy Lads Snack Cakes  ♦  Firecap  ♦  Firecracker Berry  ♦  Frog Egg  ♦  Frog Leg  ♦  Funnel Cake  ♦  Glowing Fungus  ♦  Glowing Fungus Soup  ♦  Grape Perk Bubblegum  ♦  Grilled Radroach  ♦  Grilled Radstag  ♦  Ground Mole Rat  ♦  Honeycomb  ♦  Iguana Bits  ♦  Iguana on a Stick  ♦  Iguana Soup  ♦  InstaMash  ♦  InstaMash (Preserved)  ♦  Megasloth Tenderloin  ♦  Melon  ♦  Melon Bloom  ♦  Mirelurk Meat  ♦  Mole Rat Chunks  ♦  Mole Rat Meat  ♦  Mongrel Dog Meat  ♦  Mothman Egg  ♦  Mothman Egg Omelette  ♦  Mud Cookie  ♦  Mutated Fern Flower  ♦  Mutfruit  ♦  Mutt Chops  ♦  Noodle Cup  ♦  Opossum Meat  ♦  Pepper  ♦  Perfectly Preserved Pie  ♦  Pork n' Beans  ♦  Preserved Instamash  ♦  Pumpkin  ♦  Pumpkin Soup  ♦  Rad-Rat Meat  ♦  Rad-Rat Steak  ♦  Radroach Meat  ♦  Radroach Meata  ♦  Radscorpion Fillet  ♦  Radstag Meat  ♦  Radtoad Egg  ♦  Radtoad Omelette  ♦  Raw Dog Meat  ♦  Razorgrain  ♦  Razorgrain Soup  ♦  Rhododendron Flower  ♦  Ribeye Steak  ♦  Roasted Ant  ♦  Roasted Mirelurk Meat  ♦  Salisbury Steak  ♦  Salt  ♦  Silt Bean  ♦  Silt Bean Puree  ♦  Snaptail Reed  ♦  Soot Flower  ♦  Soot Flower Herb Paste  ♦  Spices  ♦  Spoiled Fruit  ♦  Spoiled Meat  ♦  Spoiled Vegetables  ♦  Squirrel Bits  ♦  Squirrel Bitsa  ♦  Starlight Berry  ♦  Starlight Berry Cobbler  ♦  Stingwing Meat  ♦  Strawberry Perk Bubblegum  ♦  Sugar  ♦  Sugar Bombs  ♦  Sweet Tato Stew  ♦  Tarberry  ♦  Tasty Radscorpion Egg Omelette  ♦  Tasty Squirrel Stew  ♦  Toxic Soot Flower  ♦  Vegetable Medley Soup  ♦  Watermelon Perk Bubblegum  ♦  Yum Yum Deviled Eggs


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