Mr. Handies

Fallout 76 Mr. Handies are your friendly neighborhood robot that is adorable if it isn't trying to kill you. Not much of a dangerous foe but can do damage if given a chance to close in.

Fallout 76 Mr. Handies is an Enemy in the game.Mr. Handies were robot maids that assisted their master and ladies in their domestic situations. Enemies are creatures, robots, and contraptions that are hostile to the player and may be defeated to complete Quests or obtain Loot.



Mr. Handies Location & Notes

You find Mr. Handies enemies at the following locations:



Mr. Handies Variants

 Enemies may have variants of their base form, each with its own set of resistances and possible loot.

Mr. Farmhand

LvL 1 HP 35 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 10
 RES 10radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 5 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Mr. Handy

LvL 8 HP 35 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 10
 RES 10radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 5 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Prison Marshal

LvL 14 HP 55 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 10  RES 10radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 5 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot




Fallout 76 Robots
Assaultron  ♦  Automated Turret  ♦  Cargobot  ♦  Cryptos  ♦  Eyebot  ♦  Gun Emplacement  ♦  Liberator  ♦  Mister Gutsy  ♦  Mister Handy  ♦  MODUS  ♦  Protectron  ♦  Robobrain  ♦  Security Chief Robinson  ♦  Sentry bot  ♦  Vertibot


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