
Fallout 76 Stingwings are animals found in West Virginia. As with most insects their biggest advantage is their size and speed which makes them hard to hit with weapons.

Stingwing is an Enemy in Fallout 76. 

Stingwings are descendants of what one would assume were dragonflies, pre-war. Now they are a predator in the extremely hostile wasteland.

Enemies are creatures, robots and contraptions that are hostile to the player and may be defeated to complete Quests or obtain Loot.



Stingwing Location & Notes

You find Stingwing enemies at the following locations:

  • ??
  • ??



Stingwing Variants

 Enemies may have variants of their base form, each with its own set of resistances and possible loot.


LvL 10 HP 40 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 20
 RES 1000radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 30 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Stingwing Meat
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Stingwing Darter

LvL 18 HP 125 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 30
 RES 1000radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 45 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Stingwing Meat
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Stingwing Skimmer

LvL 30 HP 150 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 40
 RES 1000radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 60 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Stingwing Meat
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Global Stingwing

LvL 42 HP 175 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 20
 RES 1000radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 50 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Stingwing Meat
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot


Stingwing Chaser

LvL 54 HP 225 XP ?? - ??
Perc ?? - ??
RES 60
 RES 1000radiation-resistance-enemy-fallout76 energy-resistance-enemy  RES 90 poison_damage  RES ?? - ??
Loot Stingwing Meat
Enemy Loot
Enemy Loot




Fallout 76 Enemies
Angler  ♦  Ant  ♦  Beaver  ♦  Bee Swarm  ♦  Behemoth  ♦  Bloatfly  ♦  Bloodbug  ♦  Brahmin  ♦  Cargobots  ♦  Cat  ♦  Cave Cricket  ♦  Chicken  ♦  Deathclaw  ♦  Feral Ghoul  ♦  Firefly  ♦  Flatwoods Monster  ♦  Floater  ♦  Fly  ♦  Fog Crawler  ♦  Fox  ♦  Frog  ♦  Glowing One  ♦  Grafton Monster  ♦  Gulper  ♦  Hermit Crab  ♦  Honey beast  ♦  Mega Sloth  ♦  Mirelurk  ♦  Mirelurk Hunters  ♦  Mirelurk Kings  ♦  Mirelurk Queens  ♦  Mirelurk Spawn  ♦  Mole Miner  ♦  Mole Rat  ♦  Mongrel  ♦  Mothman  ♦  Mutant Hound  ♦  Opossum  ♦  Owlet  ♦  Rabbit  ♦  Rad Ants  ♦  Rad Roaches  ♦  Rad Toads  ♦  Rad-Rat  ♦  Radroach  ♦  Radscorpion  ♦  Radstag  ♦  Radtoad  ♦  Scorchbeast  ♦  Scorched  ♦  Scorchedbeast Queen  ♦  Snallygaster  ♦  Squirrel  ♦  Super Mutant  ♦  Tick  ♦  Wendigo  ♦  Wolf  ♦  Yao Guai

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